
UPCAST Summer Reading List

UPCAST Summer Reading List

As the summer sun blazes on, there's no better time to immerse yourself in some of the latest and most impactful works in the fields of data science, AI, and digital transformation. This year, the UPCAST Project has released a series of  publications that are not only...

UPCAST General Assembly in Southampton

UPCAST General Assembly in Southampton

Reflecting on the General Assembly of the UPCAST Project in Southampton:   The University of Southampton hosted the 4th  General Assembly for the UPCAST Project. This gathering marked a crucial checkpoint in our journey, providing the perfect opportunity to evaluate...

DataWeek24 Session on “Data Value Creation” in Leuven

DataWeek24 Session on “Data Value Creation” in Leuven

On the  June 5th, 2024, the DataWeek24 session titled "Data Value Creation" was held.   The event brought together leading experts and participants to delve into the critical aspects of deriving high value from data, particularly in the context of data sharing through...

UPCAST at the Teratec Forum 2024

UPCAST at the Teratec Forum 2024

Our team participated in the EU Village at the TERATEC Forum, where we showcased the Upcast Universal Platform Components for Safe, Fair, Interoperable Data Exchange, Monetisation, and Trading.  The TERATEC Forum provided an exceptional opportunity to connect with key...

Open Data Day 2024

Open Data Day 2024

On March 8th, we celebrated the great Open Data Day, organized by the Open Knowledge Foundation Greece with the support of the IT and Electronic Systems Engineering Department of IHU and UPCAST Project, funded by the European Union. This year the event had the title...

Data Spaces Symposium 2024 Darmstadt

Data Spaces Symposium 2024 Darmstadt

Reflecting on the Data Spaces Symposium 2024: Insights from the Data Monetization Session On March 12th, 2024, during the first day of the highly anticipated Data Spaces Symposium, a compelling session on Data Monetization took center stage. This session, held as part...

Joint Workshop in Trysil 2024

Joint Workshop in Trysil 2024

In February 2024, our project joined a workshop together with the Graph-Massivizer Project and enRichMyData in Trysil, Norway. The workshop focused on key topics like data monetization, data sharing, data pipelines, and graph processing. Big thanks to SINTEF for...

European Big Data Value Forum 2023

European Big Data Value Forum 2023

The European Big Data Value Forum 2023, held in Valencia, Spain from the 25th to the 27th of October, marked a an important moment for the UPCAST team. Organized by the Big Data Value Association (BDVA) of which IDC is a member of, the event included a diverse...

Thessaloniki Data Economy Day

Thessaloniki Data Economy Day

In September 2023,  our project organized the a one day event called “Thessaloniki Data Economy Day”. This event brought together professionals, experts, and enthusiasts to explore the role of data in our evolving world. The event kicked off a keynote session...

This project has received funding from the European Union´s Horizon Research and Innovation Actions under Grant Agreement nº 101093216.