Shared public administration for climate change
at Thessaloniki metropolitan area
The availability of environmental data has the potential to change the ways in which cities are governed for sustainability and climate change mitigation and adaptation. More than ever, better environmental data is required to address urban challenges to the climate crisis. The availability of such data is critical to improve the monitoring and management of urban systems, as well as enabling robust assessments of policy-making and planning interventions. This pilot concerns the 11 cities that comprise the metropolitan area of Thessaloniki and their need to realise data-driven environmental policy-making. Working under their umbrella organisation, the Major Development Agency Thessaloniki (MDA), and Open Knowledge Foundation Greece (OKF Greece) this pilot will use of the UPCAST plugins for integration and exchange of all data related to its environmental use case.
Major Development Agency Thessaloniki (MDAT S.A.) is one of the UPCAST partners, responsible for the Thessaloniki Use Case.
Contact person:
Paraskevi Tarani