UPCAST Project Health and Fitness data trading



How you will lose calories and earn money in Gym of the future


Personal fitness/health data, collected during various physical activities using wearable devices, has an extreme value not only for the data producer (trainee), but also for many service providers (fitness, healthcare, wellbeing) and product vendors (e.g. vendors of the fitness equipment, different supplements).

Smart4Fit will validate the methods for sharing personal fitness data and monetarize its value properly.

Smart4Fit (TRL9) is the system for real-time monitoring in fitness, based on wearables, which are part of a bigger IoT environment (fitness club with plenty of connected fitness device) and are used in collaborative scenarios, like group training and collaborative gamification.

Main challenge is how to determine the right value of data in a particular context, maximizing the monetary value. This leads to the situations that a trainee which is exercising more intensively, is losing more calories, but also creating the data of a higher monetary value.

Moreover, this will enable a data market where the price will be defined through the supply and demand.

The vison is to enable predicting the value of particular data types and define training plans accordingly.

Contribution to UPCAST:

Validating several plugins


Contact person:

This project has received funding from the European Union´s Horizon Research and Innovation Actions under Grant Agreement nº 101093216.